Please contact the studio at 201-7973 or email us at to check available dates/times, and for booking.
A $25 deposit that will be applied to your purchase is required and will be applied to your purchase. This session is for Prek-11th grade only. Class of 2025 seniors should use this link to book yearbook session.
This session is for parents that Hayne Photographers does not currently photograph your child's school and simply want a better alternative for their child's milestone portraits. Print packages start at $24. Home shipping is required on all purchases of $8.
We will be at Williams Farm Park to capture team and individual pictures. Please click 'book now' to select the slot you''d like for your team.
IF ALL TIME SLOTS ARE BOOKED ONLINE, please call us 757-201-7973 or email us at and we will book your time slot for you!
No orders will be placed day of pictures. All ordering will be done online once the gallery is made available. On picture day, parents/coaches will be given QR tickets to pre-register to the page, and will be notified once it's live.
Individuals can ONLY be done when the whole team comes up for their group photo.
Schedule your cap and gown portrait with us today! The session will be held at out studio on select dates. If you're wanting something to send out in graduation announcements, or to comemorate your student moving on to a new school, this is the perfect session for them!
We provide the cap and gown for high school seniors ONLY. Families of underclass students (pre-k--elementary) will need to bring their own set for their child. We recommend ordering from Amazon.
A deposit of half the sitting fee is required to book.
Questions? email us at:
Coaches -- schedule your team slot by clicking "book now"!

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