Norfolk Senior Pictures – Nick
Are you looking to have Norfolk Senior Pictures done? Contact us today for more information!

(click on YouTube link on the bottom right of slideshow to view a better resolution)
Nick – Maury High School – Senior Pictures
Meet Nick. He came to us for his Norfolk senior pictures. He is one of our Class of 2015 Senior Models for our studio. We chose Nick because we felt like he would photograph well. We also thought he would be a great representative for our studio. Our goal for our senior models is to provide the great senior photos. Also that they will share the photos with everyone. We also want them to share their experience about their photo shoot.
We began Nick’s senior photo session at the studio. We always try to capture a variety of images in the studio before heading out to photograph on location.
Here are a few of our favorite studio pictures.
We had so many favorite photos of Nick it was hard to choose which ones to post.

On Location Senior Portraits
We always like to include an on location photography segment with our clients. We live in such a beautiful area that we enjoy using a variety of backdrops. With Nick we stayed in the downtown area of Norfolk for his senior pictures. He attends the Governor School of Arts in Norfolk focusing in film. He loves creating short films and wanted to incorporate his video camera in a few pictures.

Urban Senior Pictures
We spent quite a bit of time photographing Nick downtown. Here are a few more cool senior photos that we captured.

Norfolk Senior Pictures at the Park
Our last stop for Nick’s photo shoot was the park. We love having different colors and backgrounds in our portraits. The park is usually a great place to find an array of that. Here are some of our favorite senior photos of Nick at the park. I will tell you that some of my personal favorite photos are the ones with him and his dog. We love incorporating pet photography into our photo shoots. As you can tell in these pictures, I think Nick was glad that his dog was there too!

Ar you looking for someone to take your Norfolk senior pictures? Contact us today!