When we were called by Serena and Jason to shoot their wedding in San Francisco, we were thrilled. We are destination wedding photographers. It wasn’t a destination wedding for Serena and Jason who live in San Francisco. They simply loved our wedding photography and wanted us to shoot their wedding.
San Francisco Wedding Photography

San Fran was an amazing backdrop for their gorgeous wedding photos. Since the groom attended Stanford University, we made the short trip to the campus to photograph the bride and groom in a place that is special to them both.
Serena and Jason rented the vintage car for the photographs. Props can make a huge impact in photography and we think this prop was well chosen!
Serena really had some special touches at her wedding. She had handkerchiefs embroidered with beautiful sayings for her mother and grandmother. More details included the bride and groom’s “signature drink” during cocktail hour and a casino themed reception room. All of these details are forever memorialized in her beautiful wedding photography.
Photographing Wedding Details
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Every detail counts! We try to photograph them all. We know that brides spend months of wedding planning to create the perfect ceremony and reception. Capturing all the details really tells the complete story of her wedding.
The Ceremony Photos
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Serena and Jason’s wedding ceremony site overlooked a reservoir; it was breathtaking and we took advantage of the scenery to get some impactful images. Even when we travel, we bring all of our wedding photography equipment. We have the latest camera technology, lenses, and editing equipment to get the dramatic images you see here.

In addition to photographing the bride and groom’s wedding, they wanted an additional San Francisco wedding photography after shoot. An after shoot is a chance to get even more great wedding photography that wouldn’t be possible on the wedding day.
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We traveled around San Fran incorporating landmarks like the Golden Gate Bridge, Baker’s Beach, the stunning court house and theater into their wedding photography.
This San Francisco wedding photography, is just one example of the many destination weddings we shoot. Our home is in Norfolk, Virginia. We are minutes away from Virginia Beach, a popular place for wedding photography. We hope you’ll visit our wedding photography portfolio for more great wedding photography ideas.
Contact Us at 757-201-7973 to book your wedding (where ever it might be) today.