Norfolk Senior Pictures – Alex

Norfolk Senior Pictures – Alex Are you looking for cool Norfolk Senior Pictures? Contact us today! Cool Senior Picture Alex’s Senior Picture Slideshow (click on the youtube link at the bottom of the slideshow for a high quality) Meet Alex Alex is an uprising senior. He didn’t want cheesy senior pictures. He was looking for cool ones. We pride ourselves on capturing cool senior photos. We know the guys are looking for something much better the the normal senior photos. We can provide that. Casual Senior Pictures We photographed Alex’s casual senior pictures in the studio and on location. Between our studio backgrounds and the outdoor shooting locations right at our studio, we can get a variety of photos in a short period of time. Soccer and Ultimate Frisbee Senior Pictures We took Alex out to a field to capture some epic soccer and Frisbee pictures. With the right background and the right lighting, you can create some one of a kind photos. If you are a photographer and need help with your lighting, we can help. We love to do a series of posed and action sports photos. When we do this it gives our families a variety of images to choose from. Senior Pictures with Your Car or Truck Many of our seniors love to have pictures with their car or truck. Alex was no different. Check him out with his cool truck! If you are looking for Norfolk senior pictures, contact us today.