Star Wars Wedding

Star Wars Wedding Sometimes as a wedding photographer you get to photograph a wedding outside the box. How about a Star Wars wedding? How about a Star Wars Wedding on the release date of the movie? It would also take place in a movie theater at the stroke of midnight. This would also be a night that immediately following the wedding ceremony, the wedding guests would partake in the viewing of The Force Awakens. That is the story line for Michelle and Chuck’s wedding day. Here is one image that sums it up. I’d say it was quite epic! Looking for a wedding photographer? Contact us today! Wedding Photography for a Thematic Wedding As a wedding photographer, we are always prepared for almost anything. When we were hired by Michelle and Chuck to photograph their thematic wedding we weren’t exactly sure what type of images we would capture. We knew we would face serious restrictions because their wedding would take place at a movie theater. When you are photographing in a public place there are many restrictions that can apply. Many times we are working with the management with the venue. In this case, we went a step further and had to work with the local police force. If it were not for the help of the local officers we would not have been able to capture the outdoor wedding shots. We want to give a BIG shout out to the security team that was present. We knew some of the details of the wedding prior to our arrival. We knew that we would we photographing in the theater and hopefully outside the theater. We knew that there would be no natural light since the wedding ceremony was at midnight. We knew that the bride and groom would be dressed as Princess Leia and Han Solo. We also knew that the wedding guests would be dressed in costume. To prepare for the evening we wanted to think through some iconic Star Wars posing. We also knew that we would need various sources of photographic lighting to accomplish our creative goals. We were also prepared to have a thematic background with photographic lighting to capture the wedding guests. With all that in mind we prepared for a night of fun that would not disappoint. View more of our portfolio here. You can read more about planning your own stylized shoot here. If you are interested in getting more information on our wedding photography or other photographic services, contact us today!