Wedding Slideshow – Long Island, New York – Ryan & Xavia

Ryan & Xavia have got the whole love thing down – and it shows. A wedding at the amazing Chateau Briand on Long Island provided the perfect showcase for their most perfect day. We also worked in a 3am trip to Times Square where we basically had the whole place to ourselves! After spending all day and into the next with them they didn’t miss a beat. They’re not just talking the talk. They’re walking the walk. They’ve got love and it’s bigger than the Big Apple.

New York City, Times Square – Ryan & Xavia’s Aftershoot

The Big Apple is our backdrop for this shoot with Ryan & Xavia in Times Square, specifically.  I would have been tickled to just photograph all the lights and glitz of 42nd street but give me an awesome bride & groom and that just kicks it up a notch!  We hit the empty streets of Long Island at 2:30AM for a cruise down to Times Square to capture Broadway’s lights with a few less people in the way.  The streets were empty except for a few taxis and New York’s finest so we had the whole place to ourselves.  Say it with me now – Awesommmmme….. A big high five to our couple for allowing us to capture them on a shoot of a lifetime!  A few pics from our 3am excursion:

Long Island New York Wedding – Ryan & Xavia

I had one of “those” days last week. Not the kind you think though. It was a big “ah-ha” moment when it occurred to me that THIS is why I love my job so. Beautiful people at a killer location that get our photography. Yeah, that’s the ticket! Ryan and Xavia tied the knot at the fabulous Chateau Briand in Long Island, New York. Where was the last time you saw a bride and groom make their entrance THROUGH the floor in a cloud of smoke. So bizzare, yet so totally cool. Our destination weddings are getting better every week and this one certainly sets the bar high for all of you bride & grooms abroad! I challenge you to find a gown to top Xavia’s ostrich feather masterpiece or Ryan’s most suave suit. Total class down to the initials on the cuff links. I have a feeling we will be seeing more of these guys on this her blog – can you say Times Square? I have a vision…. Check out the new power couple –

Alaska Workshop – Bride & Groom Photoshoot

Alaska is big and far away. That did not stop us from heading north and putting on our teacher’s hat and hosting one of our No Rules Workshops in Anchorage, Alaska! We had just finished up our Aruba weddings so we criss-crossed our great land and landed at Nordby Photography where they hosted us for a few days of shooting and instructing. A totally different backdrop from our usual beaches and parks gave way to mountains and the great Alaska outback. This will go down as a most unique location with sunset around midnight and mountains and forests that only Alaska could offer. Here’s a few pics of our bride & groom shoot on the rocky coast of Alaska (more to come!) :

Aruba Destination Beach Wedding at Manchebo Beach – Norm and Oksana

Aruba seems to love us lately and we sure love that island! Norm & Oksana had us join them on that fabulous island for their intimate wedding at the Manchebo Beach Resort. We also spent the day with them prior to the wedding exploring the many unique locations for their pre-shoot. With 4-wheel drives we headed out to Bushiribana Gold ruins, Guadirikiri & Fontein Caves, the always amazing wild Windward side of the island along with the peaceful white sands of Eagle Beach. The wedding was right at sunset over the Caribbean Sea at Manchebo Beach where the palms waved and the sand slipped between our toes as we photographed this gorgeous couple. It was an international affair with family and guests from Ukraine, Australia, Vietnam and of course the USA (CA & VA)! It was a time we will never forget with Norm & Oksana and we wish them the very best on their new journey! Here they are:

Aruba Wedding Manchebo Beach Resort & Spa – Norm & Oksana

An intimate wedding was on hand at the Manchebo Beach Resort & Spa in Aruba with a few friends and family of Norm & Oksana. There was an international flair to the entire event with guests from around the globe. The Aruba westerly breeze was blowing as usual but it made for a wonderful beach wedding and reception. Eagle Beach with it’s white sands and turquoise waters provided an awesome backdrop for their beach wedding. We were anxious to meet Norm & Oksana for the first time since they are one of our many destination wedding clients that we have only Skyped with prior to meeting them in Aruba. They were even more cool in person than via the internet! The staff at Manchebo Beach Resort & Spa were wonderful and the night went off without a hitch. Congratulations Norm & Oksana and we look forward to seeing what is in store for you guys!

Aruba Destination Wedding Slideshow

The best way to enjoy Aruba is obviously to go there…. Since it is a few thousand miles away we figured we would bring a little bit of the Caribbean island to you! Jeff & Jing’s wedding at the Aruba Westin hotel will provide the backdrop for a slideshow of their wedding. We also threw in a few more shots of their tour of Aruba with us as we photographed them in some of the iconic locations around Aruba including, Bushiribana Ruins, Natural Bridge, Alto Vista Chapel and of course the amazing white sands of Eagle Beach. So many more places to see on this tiny island but for now come along on the magical mystery tour that is Jeff & Jing’s Aruba Wedding!

Renaissance Hotel Aruba – Oksana’s Bridal Shoot

We knew we had a home run wedding when we saw Oksana for the first time in Aruba! She was one of our 4 brides we photographed on our recent Aruba destination wedding flurry but she was special because we had never met her before – just via Skype. Seeing her gorgeous dress and her amazing flowers – we just had to take a few moments with her at the Aruba Renaissance Hotel and do some shooting with her around their immaculate grounds. The wind was a bit stiff but it just made her gown do the coolest things! The Renaissance hotel is right on the beach in Aruba so we had the beautiful panoramas of that along with their tropical gardens and pools surrounded by palm trees. Just 15 minutes with an amazing bride and magic happens! Here’s Oksana:

Aruba Westin Destination Wedding – Jeff & Jing

A marathon of weddings in Aruba started with this fab couple, Jeff & Jing! We were so stoked to be a part of their amazing Westin Destination wedding in Aruba. A simply amazing group of family and friends joined them for a sunset wedding right on Palm Beach. Despite the power going out for a few hours nothing could stop the outdoor reception with the cool Caribbean breezes winding it’s way through the crowd. The Westin is the crown jewel of the high rise district of Aruba with amazing views of the beaches and sea in all directions. Jeff & Jing were real pro’s since we shot their e-session and pre-shoot …the wedding was a breeze! Sand between your toes with shutters clicking. Word.

Norm & Oksana – Aruba Destination Wedding Pre-Shoot

Have Jeep, cameras, awesome looking couple and will travel! That’s all I really need. That and a Caribbean island kinda like, say Aruba maybe? Oh yeah, throw some caves and white sandy beaches. I’m not asking for too much am I? Well, we had all that and more on our recent travels to the fine island of Aruba. Norm & Oksana joined us there for their wedding but before we shot their wedding we jumped in our Jeeps and found a few hidden gems around the island. It’s only 19 mile long but it is just packed with the coolest places! Our first stop was the Alto Vista Chapel which is an icon of the island along with the cactus and rocks (did I say Caribbean?). We hopped back in our Jeeps and bumped our way down the windward coast to the Natural Bridge and the Bushiribana Gold Smelter Ruins. Aruba managed to squeeze in a national park (Arikok) onto their island so we headed off in that direction to find the Guadiriki caves and they did not disappoint! Guadiriki and Fontein caves are fabulous spots for photography alone but add Norm & Oksana and you get something really special. We ended up back at Eagle Beach for a roll in the white sands and blue waters of the Caribbean Sea. Aruba just keeps coming up with the most amazing locations for photography so we can’t wait for our next trip back! Stay tuned for a couple of more weddings that we shot there recently along with Norm & Oksana’s fabulous Manchebo Beach Resort wedding.

Jennifer and Cameron Got Married

A couple of cool people got married the other day in Yorktown. I like cool people so I took a few shots….then a few more. Gee, I guess we ended up staying all night at the Freight Shed in Yorktown for their wedding! A great location right on the York river with a couple of fabulous people – what more could you ask for? Congratulations, Jennifer and Cameron – you rock!

Sara & Eric

Cherry blossoms in DC! Sounds like a killer time to have your picture taken – and it was! A million other people thought so too…. We were not deterred – crowds or not Sara & Eric worked it out and we had an amazing time among the masses as we photographed them for their e-session. Their engagement shoot took place in our nations capital at the peak of the Cherry Blossom Festival. DC was alive with people, sounds and the business that makes Washington an awesome place for photographs! While we made sure we incorporated the cherry blossoms, we also made sure we hit all the spots that make Washington what it is – the Washington Monument, Jefferson Memorial, Lincoln Memorial, the Reflecting Pool and even the WW II Memorial. Sara & Eric were up for the challenge and we all had an awesome adventure as we got lost among the history and streets of the capital. Oh yeah, we took a few pics too. Here’s a few of my favs!

Josh & Tiffany

I get Tiffany and Josh. They keep it simple. Just lots of love and a few good dance moves. What more do you need, really? They put on a fabulous ceremony and reception at Ohef Sholom Temple with a “few” of their friends and family. Here’s a sneak peek into their amazing evening. Congrats guys!

Ty and Shannon

Shooting another photographer is always a bit different than a “normal” shoot but this one was different…in a good way!. We met Ty and Shannon at our workshop in Tampa last week and we had a great time talking photography and just getting to know each other. We were actually in Tampa for a senior (High School) convention but we always love shooting a couple when we get a chance. We jumped in the car and drove around looking for some cool spots and stumbled on a ’57 Chevy, an old marina, and of course a Florida sunset. Niiiiice….. We topped the night off with some Mexican eats. Check out Ty & Shannon and their awesomeness!

Lester & Arlyn

I see a couple of people with a lot going for them. Their names are Lester & Arlyn and we took a few shots of them on their wedding day. It’s always cool when someone asks to to shoot their wedding but when a photographer asks you to…. that’s the cherry on top! Isha Foss events did an amazing job of jazzing up the Virginia Beach Convention Center which always makes for an easy day for the photographer. Congrats guys and here’s to 2010!