Trash the Prom Dress! Meredith Style….

Another Trash the Prom Dress for you from the most fabulous Meredith! With the heat lately it was kinda nice to jump in the water and get some great shots of Meredith in her pink prom dress….in the sand and water of the Chesapeake Bay. Here she is!

Trash the Formal at the Beach!

Off to the beach for another gorgeous shoot with a few of our favorite senior high school gals – but with a twist! Not your normal frolic in the water, instead we left the formal gowns on and dove in head first! Alex, Olivia, and Sarah were real troopers as they did an amazing job looking beautiful while completely trashing their prom dresses. Not easy to do but from the looks of it they were having the time of their lives! The sunset was perfect we came up with a “few” good shots….okay more than a “few”. Here’s some of my fav’s from the sunset photo shoot on the beach with the girls and their prom gowns!

Trash the Formal! Say what?

Yeah, I see all the Moms out there saying that! A dip into the ocean on a gorgeous day….in your formal gown. Call it odd or weird – I call it a ton of fun and I think our models would too! Alex, Ashley, Caroline, Michelle, and Sara did their model thing with the waves crashing around them and we came up with some really unique shots. We provided the gowns and they provided the “glam”. Summer is a great time to do this with the water warm and the sun setting is just the right spot for some killer shots. Thanks to our models for really getting into it and putting their makeup on and promptly getting it all washed off…