WPPI 2012 | Virginia Portrait Artist | Virginia Wedding and Destination Photographer

We have spent most of February out speaking at different venues, in different states, and before many photographers sharing how we do what we do.  We have traveled from Florida to Arizona all in a short 29 days.  We love the opportunity to hit the road and share about our photographic experience.  Since the photographic industry has changed from photography film to digital, there are many changes that have been made in the way that we shoot, process and market.  One of our stops in the month of February, was in Las Vegas, speaking at our national photography conference called WPPI.  WPPI’s (Wedding and Portrait Photographers International) attendance is generally 12,000 – 15,000 attracting photographers from all over the globe, so to be able to share there is an honor.  This year we shared about wedding photography, both stateside and international, and about senior high photography . Thank you WPPI and H&H for the opportunity to share! Here are a few shots from the day.  You can tell how passionate we are about sharing.  It seems that every shot we have our mouths open!~