We are in American Photo Magazine!

Hey, get outta bed and head for the bookstore! We’re in the American Photo magazine – how cool is that? American Photo seeks out the cutting edge trends and photography that inspires us all. We are so honored to have the centerfold of their senior photography article, “Coming of Age”. Chris & Tammy Billey of Largo photography and Huy Ngyuen from f8 studio contributed a well so we are in great company! We’ve been published before in many magazines but American Photo? C’mon, that just blows my mind. Wait, I’ve gotta go look at it again. Yup, still there….thought I was dreaming for a sec. It’s never good to blog about a dream. Whew! Here’s a few shots –

Professional Photographer Magazine

It’s always awesome to see your images in print but to get them in one of the premier photography magazines in the nation is…quite frankly mind numbing. We can’t quite get our head wrapped around the whole idea but we ain’t complainin’! It’s such an exciting and hectic time for us and I just had to stop and say a big thanks to everyone who encourages us and inspires us to do what we do. It’s what keeps us going! We’ve also been doing some interviews and webcasts recently. Here’s a peek into our short but exciting story and a few of our images from the Professional Photographers magazine (you can click the image to expand and read our articles): WPPI Radio interview More Photos Radio interview