Summer Senior Photography Session

Summer Senior Photography Session What’s a great way to celebrate school being out? By having a summer senior photography session! Contact us today for your session. Beating The Heat For Olivia’s session we started out in the studio. During the summer months it’s best to do indoor pictures during the day and outdoor pictures in the evening. It ensures that our client looks their best and hasn’t had the humidity effect their appearance. When doing indoor pictures we can utilize different lighting and backgrounds. Olivia brought a few sets of clothing and necklaces as statement pieces that made each image unique. We always encourage our seniors to add their own flair when it comes to their sessions. Want some ideas on what to wear? Check out our guide here. While she was having her session she wanted to do her drape portrait for school. We are the leading school photography company in the area and love it when our seniors do their school pictures with us! If you’re interested in reading about our school photography go here. Outdoor Portraits Since our studio is right near the ocean we wanted to do beach portraits to wrap things up. Late afternoon or early evening is the best time do to outdoor pictures. The lighting from the setting sun in addition to professional photographic techniques make for amazing images. Time management is also another thing photographers need to keep in mind. In order to get the great sunset shots make sure to do any other outdoor pictures before in a timely manner. A big mistake in photography is missing amazing pictures because proper time management wasn’t used. We started the outdoor portion in an urban downtown area. Then we moved on to a fishing pier and finished up on the beach. Olivia also wanted to include her sister in some of the pictures which we were happy to do. We love when our seniors want to include a friend or family member in their session. It makes for more memorable pictures and adds a bit of fun to the session! Go here to book your summer senior photography session with us today! Click here to read more about our professional senior photography.
Professional Senior Portrait Session

Professional Senior Portrait Session Are you a high school senior that’s graduating this year? Are you looking for a way to celebrate? Then schedule a professional senior portrait session today! Contact us today for your session. Outdoor Photography Fun For the first portion of Tori’s photo session we wanted to do pictures outside in late afternoon. It is the best time for the great lighting and we were able to get more photographic images. The area we chose for her outdoor photos had some amazing cobblestone roads. We really wanted to incorporate them into her images. Since the roads provided a nice background we decided to use her car and an antique chair we had on hand as props. When doing professional photography you have to think on your toes when it comes to outdoor settings. There was also some great brickwork on the outside of the buildings that we thought would go wonderfully with our pictures. When you use texture in the background it adds interest to your photo shoot. Tori decided that she wanted to add in her own personal touch by blowing confetti for one shot. We always love it when clients add their own flair to their photo session! Gorgeous Indoor Studio Portraits After the outdoor portion of the session we decided to do some indoor head shots. Since the outdoor segment was fun we decided to do a more professional indoor head shot session to contrast it. Tori wanted serious but not too serious for her studio shots. We were able to do that by adding in an age appropriate background along with soft lighting. Half the battle of doing professional photographic pictures is making sure the lighting and background compliment whoever you’re shooting. We are very big in the school photography scene and were able to take her year book portrait during her session. If you would like to read more about our work in the school photography industry click here. Be sure to book your next professional senior portrait session with us today! Click here to schedule. Are you a photographer and struggling with senior portrait posing? Our guide can help!
Trendy Senior Session

Trendy Senior Session At Hayne Photographers, being up to date with what is in style is a big part of who we are. That’s why we took Adrian on a trendy senior session. To book your senior session, contact us today. Cars Can Add To The “Cool” Factor We always encourage our senior’s to add their own special flair to their images. For this shoot, Adrian wanted to showcase his car. With different makes and models, it can make any session into a trend setter. Cars are a great way to incorporate professional lighting so that the photography stands out. The lighting technique we use is called off camera flash. The best time for capturing the lighting inside and outside the car is at sunset. At that time of the day you can be more creative with how you bounce the light off the vehicle and senior to create a unique photograph. Different locations can also add more character to the images. We chose the beach for Adrian’s car, as it offered different textures to the background that offset his vehicle. If you need help with your photographic lighting, we can help. Make Your Style Stand Out In addition to his car, Adrian wanted to show off his unique style in clothing. Showing off his urban fashion in a historic area made his pictures more photographically appealing. You can even make an indoor head shot stand out by adding in accessories that can draw the eye. For his head shots, Adrian incorporated a colorful bow tie to add to his amazing style. What to know what to bring for your senior session? Check out our What To Wear guide! Here are a few more photographs from our awesome trendy senior session! (click to enlarge) Love what you see? Schedule your professional senior session today! Want to know more about our senior portrait shoots? Read about them here.
Wedding Signature at West Neck – Jeff & Jordan | Wedding Photography
Jeff & Jordan put their swagger on a few weeks ago and hit a hole in one with their wedding at The Signature at West Neck. It was one of those weddings where the breeze blew just enough to make Jordan’s veil gently wave but not enough to blow out their unity candles. There was just enough clouds to make the sky gorgeous but not enough to make it look gloomy. The birds tweeted just enough to sound pretty but not loud enough to be obnoxious. The temperature was just warm enough to make us cozy but not enough to make us sweat. Get the picture? It was one of “those” days. In fact we made this nifty slideshow so you could also bask in the “just-rightness” of Jeff & Jordan’s wedding day. Enjoy!
Wedding Chrysler Museum – Vinny & Christine
Vinny & Christine brought the house down at the Chrysler Museum last Saturday. An evening full of dancing and festivities with just a “few” of their family and friends was on tap and we were just along for the crazy ride! Vinny was airborne a few times with the help of all his brothers and Christine was simply stunning in her gown. Daevid’s Bridal Flowers did his magic to the bouquets & decorations along with the talents of Antonia Christianson Events the night went off without a hitch – can you say fab? I knew you could…. Here’s some of my favs from the evening:
Online Photography Webinar – The Joy of Marketing
For those of you looking into the crazy world of Senior High School photography we have just the tool for you! We are participating in a webinar that you can listen to and get the scoop on what it takes to make it in this biz. It was fun to record this event along with some of the most renown photographers from around the nation! Best of all… It’s free 🙂 First of all, you have to check out Scott and my senior pics on this event. I assure you personally that it will offer you some comic relief for your hectic day! Boy, have senior portraits changed over the years. We believe you can grow your piece of the high school senior pie or even just grab a small slice with all you’ll learn at The High School Senior How To Free online event at The Joy of Marketing We are excited to be a part of this one-of-a-kind event and it’s Free for you to attend thanks to The Joy of Marketing. Here are some of the topics that will be discussed at the event Create a boutique senior business from scratch! Go from 0-100 seniors in 2 years. Market to 3 generations at 1 sale. Grow a great senior business. Be “it” In your market. Make money with the senior experience. Put on a fashion show for your studio. Use senior trends to set yourself apart and make more money. Get what YOU want from your senior market. Create the ultimate senior business model. How to use senior spirit sessions to rock the senior marketplace. How to create a boutique senior business from scratch!
Senior Experience Photo Shoot – John David, Norfolk
We spent some time in our new studio with John David for a quick Senior shoot and it was fun to work with him. John David has a terrific look and pulled off a James Dean Look pretty well if you ask me! The studio is becoming more and more a part of each and every shoot since we have 4 different shooting bays and dozens of backdrops. Of course, we still go on location but the studio always adds a bit of variety. We had the music rockin’ and the strobes poppin’ for his shoot – here’s a few of my favs:
SYNC 2011 – No Rules Workshop
St. Petersburg, Florida….love that town. We carried our cold and weary bodies to the sunshine state to hang out with 400 of the craziest photographers on the planet. I mean, these guys & gals are serious about their photography and their business! It just felt weird to be shooting on the beach in February – I know I heard my camera say, “What the…?” until Alexis popped in front of it! Alexis was our model for the afternoon as we strolled around the Tradewinds resort for our shooting workshop. She did fabulous especially considering all the cameras pointing her way! We’re back in Norfolk now with snow & slush today but I think I will post some sunny pics of Alexis to warm our cold toes. Ahhh….
No Rules Workshop – Norfolk
Our first workshop in our shiny new studio! Our thanks go out to the Wells Theater in downtown Norfolk for allowing us to use their fabulous space for our shooting. 20 of us dodged the snowflakes and took cover in the historic theater where we kept warm and took some rather cool shots. Christ & St. Lukes Church loaned us their stunning sanctuary for some shots inside the church. Our model Rachel looked amazing in a gown from Pure English Bridal and a couple of gowns from All The Rage Virginia Beach. Brian was sporting some vintage fashions from Echoes in Time that fit in perfectly with the theme of the shoots. We love doing these workshops, especially when they are on our home turf and we know everyone came away with great shots and new friends. Our next local No Rules Workshop will be on April 13th where we will be focusing on shooting, editing, and image critique. Only 20 seats available and they will be going quick! Our teaching and workshop tour is kicking off in January so maybe we will be coming to a venue near you! January 28-31 : St. Pete, Florida (SYNC) February 6-8 : Minneapolis, MN (Twin Cities PPA) February 12-15 : Palm Springs, CA (SPA) February 19-25 : Las Vegas, NV (WPPI) March 6-8 : Murfreesboro, TN (Tennessee PPA) April 10-12 : Norfolk, VA (PSD Experience) April 13 : Norfolk, VA (No Rules Workshop) June 5-7 : Des Moines, IA (MAIPP School) June 20-23 : Ann Arbor, MI (GLIP School) On to the pics!
Sandbridge, Virginia Beach – Mitch & Caitlin Trash the Dress!
What an amazing couple that totally gets photography! They picked a cool location. Wore some fresh duds. Looked like a couple in love. What more could a photographer ask for? Um, how about a roll in the water with waves crashing all around – sure, why not? Mitch & Caitlin were up for just about anything and I am confident I could have put them in a dumpster and they would have figured out a way to make you wish you could be in a dumpster too…. It’s freakish what happened when I pointed a camera at them! Of course, it helps when we have the most perfect sunset and a backdrop of the Atlantic Ocean (secretly I thing the sun and ocean were in on the whole thing – Mitch pulled some strings.) We hung out with them at the Back Bay Nature Preserve where the spiders played nice (they were everywhere!) and the waves put on a nice show. Here’s Mitch & Caitlin and their friends, Ocean & Sun.
Emily and Andrew – Newport News Wedding
Emily and Andrew got their game on last week and scored! It felt like home since we knew so many guests and the atmosphere was so laid back. Andrew serenaded his bride with his guitar and smooth voice while Emily just glowed with excitement all night! We were thrilled to be there and we can’t wait to see what life has in store for these guys! We’ll be watching! Here’s a few shots from the evening..
We are in American Photo Magazine!
Hey, get outta bed and head for the bookstore! We’re in the American Photo magazine – how cool is that? American Photo seeks out the cutting edge trends and photography that inspires us all. We are so honored to have the centerfold of their senior photography article, “Coming of Age”. Chris & Tammy Billey of Largo photography and Huy Ngyuen from f8 studio contributed a well so we are in great company! We’ve been published before in many magazines but American Photo? C’mon, that just blows my mind. Wait, I’ve gotta go look at it again. Yup, still there….thought I was dreaming for a sec. It’s never good to blog about a dream. Whew! Here’s a few shots –
Trash the Prom Dress! Meredith Style….
Another Trash the Prom Dress for you from the most fabulous Meredith! With the heat lately it was kinda nice to jump in the water and get some great shots of Meredith in her pink prom dress….in the sand and water of the Chesapeake Bay. Here she is!
Trash the Formal at the Beach!
Off to the beach for another gorgeous shoot with a few of our favorite senior high school gals – but with a twist! Not your normal frolic in the water, instead we left the formal gowns on and dove in head first! Alex, Olivia, and Sarah were real troopers as they did an amazing job looking beautiful while completely trashing their prom dresses. Not easy to do but from the looks of it they were having the time of their lives! The sunset was perfect we came up with a “few” good shots….okay more than a “few”. Here’s some of my fav’s from the sunset photo shoot on the beach with the girls and their prom gowns!
Trash the Formal! Say what?
Yeah, I see all the Moms out there saying that! A dip into the ocean on a gorgeous day….in your formal gown. Call it odd or weird – I call it a ton of fun and I think our models would too! Alex, Ashley, Caroline, Michelle, and Sara did their model thing with the waves crashing around them and we came up with some really unique shots. We provided the gowns and they provided the “glam”. Summer is a great time to do this with the water warm and the sun setting is just the right spot for some killer shots. Thanks to our models for really getting into it and putting their makeup on and promptly getting it all washed off…