Actor Head Shot Photographer | Norfolk Commercial Photographer


Actor Head Shot Photographer Are you an actor and looking for a head shot photographer to update your portfolio? Contact us today for more information. Head Shot Photographer We love being a professional head shot photographer. It brings a lot of different people into our photography world. We may photograph a CEO in one appointment, a model in our next appointment and an actor in the next photography appointment. It really keeps us on our toes. As you can imagine from these photos, Kayla is not the CEO of a company. Though she is confident and poised and may pass as a CEO, she is an aspiring actor and is involved in musical theater. At such a young age she has so much talent. When she arrived at her photography session for her head shots, we could tell immediately that she would be a delight to photograph. As you can see, the camera loves her and she loves the camera. Even as a young teen it was important to hire a professional make up artist to give Kayla’s images the extra edge. We didn’t attempt to try to make her look older by adding make up, just polish her up and give her that flawless finish that everyone desires. Kayla’s agency is based in LA. She is with IMTA. IMTA is an international talent and modeling agency. When we work with an agency creating a professional portfolio, we always get specifications from the agency first. Every agency has different outlines based on their needs. If you are looking for a professional head shot photographer, contact us today. We specialize in: Real Estate Head Shots Corporate Head Shots Actor Head Shots Modeling Portfolios Musician Head Shots and More If you liked these photos, view more of our commercial photography and professional head shots on our gallery.

TEDx – Event Photography

Seminar TEDx

TEDx – Event Photography Are you looking for someone to cover your TEDx event? Maybe you are looking for a photographer for your corporate event. If so, we would love to provide you more information on our event photography. Contact us today for more details. Event Photography Event photography is always very interesting because we get to photograph cool and eclectic events. We recently photographed the TEDx Hampton Roads event. Not only was it an interesting event to photographically cover, it was educational as well. When we are photographing events we are documenting all that is happening. We also are trying to capture the excitement of the event as well. We also try to photograph the behind the scenes photos. The companies that we photograph for appreciate these types of photos. It really shines on the media and technical end of the event which is important to a successful event. You may be asking yourself, what is a TEDx event? Well, it is a local gathering event where TED like talks and videos that were previously recorded at TED conferences are shared. The content of each TEDx event is unique to their event. TED events use live speakers and videos that are idea focused. They generally cover a wide range of ideas and subjects. These subjects generally help us learn, inspire or provoke conversations that matter. TEDx events generally have a variety of diverse issues and voices. The main goal of these events is to just spark conversation and connect people through community. Now that you understand the TEDx events, you can imagine how enjoyable it is to photograph this type of event! Here are some images of just a few speakers that shared at this TEDx event.   If you are in need of event photography, contact us today for more information.